about us
Who We Are
Trinity Arts Writers Workshop (TAWW) is a local writers group in the DFW metroplex.
We are a Non profit organization.
Dues are $60 for one calendar year (pro-rated quarterly). You may attend up to three meetings before paying to see if TAWW fits your needs.
We always welcome new and prospective members. If you’d like to see what we’re about, then please sit in on one of our meetings. We’d love to have you!
What We Do
We strive to provide an atmosphere to foster creativity and improvement, and provide constructive, supportive critique. We also endeavor to provide educational opportunities as time, skills, and budgetary considerations allow. Finally, TAWW actively seeks to find ways to assist members to publish and promote their writing.
Read and Critique:
Plot Parties, Socializing, Sharing good food. Collaborative problem solving. Members help each other with discussion and offer suggestions.
External Events:
When We Meet
We meet once a week at 6 p.m. on Tuesday evenings at Hurst Public Library 901 Precinct Line Rd, Hurst, TX 76053
Meetings typically last about 2 hours, depending on the number of members reading that day.
How It Works
Everyone who wants to read, signs up. Sign-up for reading is first come, first served.
The meeting begins with each person announcing their Submissions, Acceptances or Rejections. We even applaud rejections. Remember – you must submit in order to be accepted OR rejected!
**We are a First Amendment club – you are not prohibited in what you read. However – you must inform the group before reading offensive, violent or salacious material, to give those who prefer not to hear it a chance to step out of the room during that read.
Reading and critique session begins.
Every reader gets twenty minutes to read. Readers may bring in copies of their work to share with the members if they want comments on the paper. Usually there is a twelve-minute read with a eight-minute verbal critique from the group, the remainder in written form. (But you may read the entire twenty minutes and receive all your critiques in written form if you choose.)
A volunteer moderator will time you and call upon each person who wishes to critique—one at a time. Writers are not allowed to defend their work during the critique session. (You can’t explain to an editor or agent once it is sent, so…) You may read only your own original work.
We critique:
Grammatical errors, story holes, plot flaws, characterization flaws, inconsistencies, flow,
Or whatever might be needed…
We have silent critiques where willing members will read over a chapter, a section or the entire piece of work – whatever is agreed upon – on their own time for a more extensive critique.