TAWW Newsletter

Subscribe to our newsletter to keep abreast of news and information on current and upcoming events related to our group and the local writing community.

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Contribute Articles to Newsletter

To submit articles, event info, etc to include in a TAWW Newsletter issue, send your content as a text file named in the following format: prefix 'nws' + year '18' + month '07' + your initials + dot file type extension '.ext'

Example(s): 'nws1807jfk.txt' or Word compatible document 'nws1807jfk.doc', Send as an attachment to TAWW Newsletter editor Be sure to include your name and phone number in case there are any questions.

Compatibilty Requirements

  1. File types: text file (myfile.txt) or Word compatible document (myfile.doc)
  2. limit text content size to lessor of 250 words or 1750 characters
  3. limit picture or graphics size to 750kB ( mypic.jpg )


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