TAWW Committees
The benefits and services each member enjoys is provided 100% by volunteers.
Membership dues cover operating expenses (i.e. facility, etc), not services.
Every member equally shares responsibility and should contribute to our group's mission and success.
Members are encouraged to serve on any of the committees to:
Achieve certain group goals and functions.
Encourage participation, promote pride and ownership.
Committee Assignments
All TAWW members not assigned to a specific committee are by default unlisted members of Membership Committee.
Events Committee
Finance Committee
Provide oversight and guidance on financial matters.
Submit a proposed budget for approval by membership
Membership Committee
Promote membership
Welcome visitors - Introduction, provide handouts, fill-out feedback info form.
Recognize member accomplishments & contribution;
Manage MeetUp account - The internet service, MeetUp is important to promote our group and solicit new members. However, membership in our Meetup account is NOT the same as (dues paid) membership in TAWW proper. Membership committee responds to request to join the online MeetUp, granting trial membership to Meetup and maintaining the account to a manageable size (less than 50).
All TAWW members not assigned to a specific committee are by default unlisted members of Membership Committee.
Workshop Committee
Recruit presenters, Promote and Facilitate educational programs
Publications Committee
Prepare and issue literature of interest to members including:
Newsletter, Flyers, Banners and Posters
Reference materials, guides, templates
Assist Members to Publish and Promote their work
Website Committee
Maintain an internet website to:
Advertise and promote TAWW to the public.
Provide a platform to disseminate information to members.